Wednesday 2 October 2013

overview of genre in trailers

I have looked at trailers such as 'Aliens' for sci-fi, i have looked at 'The Haunting in Connecticut' and for drama i am looking at 'The Bucket List'

The Haunting in Connecticut trailer is around a few minutes long and from the start it builds suspence using music that starts of very quite and gradually gets louder and duanting, i believe this is something only horror films would be able to use because the suspence is used to scare, frighten or adgitate the audeince. If this technique was used in another genre it would not pull off the same affect. This particular trailer could not be recondnised in the aspect of its genre just by viewing the first few seconds as it could be mistaken for a drama, this is where micro aspects come into play such as mis en scene. Props including clothing give us a clear view that the film is set in the 80's as the clothes the dad wears are very stereotypical such as the large collars seen on his coat which were very popular in the late 70's and early 80's on top of this the family is wealthy and owns a new model of a car made in the 70s.

It is very important to take in all these points when evaluating how a trailer can be remade. Aliens is a sci-fi film so we look at how he micro aspects feed into this differently, props would automatically be different the angles of the cameras would be wider to show spaceships full capacity.

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