Wednesday 4 September 2013

Aspects of cinematography in trailers

Cinematography techniques are of vital importance to any person/filmmaker because this helps tell the story in appropriate manor. Cinematography is often referred to as "painting with light", this is because the art behind a sequence filmed is cinematography. With this in mind, it is vital I remember each minuscule aspect of camera angling must receive large amounts of attention, failing to do so may lead in un in accurate editing and a confused audience. Baring in mind the genre I am concentrating on is drama, my clips will be pieced together perhaps a little fast as my aim is to capture the audience's heart and attention gripping them into a quick glance of entertainment. Further research of drama such as the films "les miserables" and "love and other drugs" gave me a wider range of how important the cinematography actually is. Lighting, the slightly obvious aspect of cinematography is by far the most visual micro aspect. Cameras come and go, but the tried and tested techniques are permanent, meaning lighting is always different but having control of light is power over genre of what we are looking at, for instance if I was looking at a chair with no lighting it would hold no purpose, where as if the chair had lighting beaming down causing a shadow giving it a statue like appearance this would give the chair; power, meaning, importance and entertainment. The two films I researched had differences meaning every drama is unique in its own way. Each character is placed smartly in each scene, I believe this could mean that the film is showing off using its characters at their best.

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